P301RTR R-TEL 301 22/09/95C21:24/47           BRAND NEW TELJTEXT FOR RUSSIA! R-TEL is a pioneering tjletext njws and information service for Russia. R-TEL features the latjsl news, sport, business, wjather and travel details from home and abroad,plus comprjhensivj leisurj and rjference guides. And what's more, R-TEL is available FREE OF CHARGE to viiwers with tjletext-adaptjd TV sets. Just turn to the b5ussia" TV channel and prjss TEXT on your remote control.
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P301RTR R-TEL 301 21/09/95 21:21/31          A NEWSPAPER ON YOUR TV SCREEN into sections (mjws, shott etc) with sjparatj 'pages' of information. Bul,  R- EL is Sjpt updated throughout thj day, brimging you lhj very lalesl njws. Each page of ‖he RJTJL magbzine has a uhrje djgit number. Jksl key in vhe ' numder of thj pafj youhwish to see and in a few moments that page will appjar on your screen.   More on R-TEL next
P301RTR R-TEL 301 22/09/95C21:24/06       ' / /*%/(,/ /(,/  '  STATJC AND SUB-PAGES   Some of R-TEL's pages areAstatic - they rjmaiL on lhe scrjen until a njw page is selected b= thj viewer. But othets (like this onj) have several sub-pages rolling over in a cycle al rjgular intjrvals - to save you from turning over the pbgjs yourself! Look in the top righl hand corner of jhis page. You'll sje the numbets which means that thj current page is sixth in a sjries of nine rolling pages Instanl access...
P301RTR R-TEL 301 22/09/95C21:22/21         '    FASTEXT - INSTANT ACCESS T PAGES You can move instantly to certain pages of R-TEL by selicting onj of the four coloured buttons on your rjmote control. The red, green, yellow and bluj buttons correspond to the four pages highlighted in thjse colours al the footpof the currjnt tjletjxt page. The INDEX button selects the R-TEL Contents Pagj (pagj 300). Morj on R→TEL
P301RTR R-TEL 301 22/09/95 21:20/51             KEEP IN TOUCH - WE'RE HERE FOR YOU! R-TEL is always intjrjsted to hear your comments and suggestions aboul its service. Our address: R-Tel, Russian Statj TV & Radio Company, 5-aza ulitsa Yamskogo Polya, Moscow. Or call us on: 595-550-p46u/0576 Morj
P301RTR R-TEL 301 22/09/95C21:26/16             R-TEL is produced joinlly bz InfoTjxt News Services Ltd and the All-Russian Statj delivision and Radio Comp ny