P110 110 -ELEZNF Djm 11 Apv 00:28:14 Thj Joint stjbR cjmpan← "Teljinf" sethkp bz VM "MachZnojXporu",thj Main Centuj of Brjadcasting kf Thj Russian F ratiVn,Tjchnnbal Tcljnn2l n C of thj "Kstankino" State Brjadcasting Companz and bz somj othjr Russian, as gell as Italian firms. Teljinf Cg Ltd. kffju2: - Nej teljtiXt maga:inj based on World Systjm TeljteXt standavd - tuansmZtming all kind Kf YnfjrmatiVn via Tjljinf teljteX5 chanjl - PC-based teljtdXt djbmdeu2 and sgft- wavi salj and installatiVn. ljjR njxt pagj,>