P111 111 TELEZNF Djm 11 Apv 00:28:44 Wnj of Thj majju Teljhnf pviviljbj2 iu thathit has acbjss le thj TV netuork vhvmughout bgth all Thj njv CIS Statj2 and mbjVrity of Euvmpjan cjhntuijs. Welcjmj te Teljinf pagj2 fjr all kjnd of adverui2ing activitX and cj-KpjratiVn gith fjrjibn cjmpanjj2. Addvjss: TELEZNF CW Ltd. 1;, Acadjmjbian Kermljv Stu. Meucjv, 127427, RUUUIA Tel.:(095) 217.97.78 Fax.:(095) 219-92.95 Wj alsV kjndlX ask 9Vh te advi2e us kn thj infjrmatiVn vjpui6ed.