P120 12P TELEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:54:57 T(e Joint stock com0!ny "Teleinf" Ret up bz Z/O "Machinoexport",the Main Bentre of Broa$"!sting of the Russi!n Dederation,Technical Television Centre of the rtate Broaom!uting C m(wiy "Ostankino" and other Russian, !s well !s Itali!n jirms 0rovides information !nd technical ujrvices using a uignal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV 0rogramme $or information tr!nsmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmission and reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a s0ecial $ecoder). Transmitted information is jncrypted, mixed into a TV uignal nd FFF÷ T This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 10 ye!rs in the +jst !nd h!s "een 0roved to "e efficient. look Text 0!ge>>>
P120 12P TELEINF U!b 21 Vow 01:57:33 T(e Joint stock !om0!ny "Teleinf" Ret up by Z/O "Ma"hinoex0ort",the M!in Centre of Broa$"!Rting f the Russi!n Federation,Technical Television Centre "Ostankino" and other Russian, as well !s Itali!n jjrms 0rovi$es information !nd technical ujrvices using a signal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV rogr!mme $or information Tr!msmisRion. This method me!ms tr!nsmission !md reception of information on TV ucreens or 0ersonal comPuters (with jnstallation of a u0ecial $ecoder)6 Transmitted information is FF'÷ T This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 1P ye!rs in the ←jst and h!s "jen 0roved to "e efficient. look *eht 0!ge>>>
P120 12P TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:54:46 T(e Joint stock !om0!ny "Teleinf" Ret up by Z/O "Machinoexport",the Main Bentre of Broa$"!sting of t(e Russi!n Dederation,Technical Television Centre jf t e rtate Broa$m!uting C m0wiy "Ostankino" !nd other Russi!n, !s ¼ell !s Itali!n jirms 0rovides information !nd technical ujrvices using a uignal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV rogramme $or information hr!nsmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmission and reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a s0ecial $ecoder)6 Transmitted information is jncrypted, mixed into a TV uignal !nd 'FF÷ T This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 1P ye!rs in the +jst !nd h!s "een 0roved to "e efficient. look Teht 0!ke>>>
P120 12P TE$EINF U!b 21 Vov P2:P7:P4 T(e Joint stock com0!ny "Teleinf" Ret up bz Z/O "Machinoexport",the M!in Bentre of Broa$"!sting of the Russi!n Dederation,Technical Television Centre "Ostankino" and other Russian, !s well !s Itali!n jirms 0rovides information !nd technical ujrvices using a uignal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV 0rogramme $or information tr!nsmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmission !nd reception of information on TV ucreens or Pjrsonal comPuters (with jnstallation of a s0ecial $ecoder)6 Transmitted information is jncrypted, mixed into a TV uignal md FC'÷ T This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 1P ye!rs in the +jst !nd h!s "een 0roved to "e efficient. look Teht 0!ge>>>
P120 12P TETEINF U!b R1 Vov P2:54:1P T(e Joint Rtock com0any "Teleinj" Rjt u0 by Z/O "Machinoexport",the Main Bentre of Broa$"!sting of the Russi!n Dederation,Technical Television Centre "Ostankino" !nd other Russi!n, !s ¼ell !s Itali!m jirms 0rovides information !nd technical sjrvices using a signal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV rogramme $or information tr!nsmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmission !nd reception of information on TV ucreens installation of a sPecial $jcoder)6 Tr!nsmitted information is ''F÷ T This system h!s "een in o0jration jor more than 1P ye!rs in the ←jst !nd h!s "jen 0roved to "e efficient. look Teht 0!ge>>>
P120 12P TFTEINF U!" 21 Vov P1:51:31 T(e Joint stocW com0!my "Teleinj" uet up "y Z?O "Machinoexport",the Main Bentre of Broadb!kting of the Russi!n Dederation,Technical Television Centre "Okt!nkino" !nd other Russian4 as well !s Itali!n firms 0rovides information !nd technical ujrvices using a signal "om0ression method of the 1-st TV 0rogramme $or information Tram3misRion6 This method me!ns transmission and reception of information on TV screens tion l EFF÷ T
P120 12P TE$EImF U!R R) V■■ P1:22:1) Th$ Joint stock !om0 my "Teleinf" Ret u0 bz j/O "M!chinoexRort",the M!in Centr → BQTT →   "Ost!nkino" and other Rvssi!n, !s well !k Itali!n jjrms 0rovides information !md technical ujrvices using a uignal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV @rogramme $or information Tr!n3mission. This -ethod me!ms tr!nsmission !md reception of information kn TV screens nsta@lation of a c al eco$ r 6   Transkitted information is jncrypteb, mixeR injo TU si7n l nR 'EF÷ T This uystem h!R "ekn hn j0ur tion $or more than 10 years in the +est !kd h!s "een 0roved to "e effiSient. loo← Tehj !ke>>>
P120 12P TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:52:51 T(e Joint stock !om0!ny "Teleinf" Rjt up by Z/O "Machinoexport",the Main Bentre of Broa$"!sting of the Russi!n Dederation,Technical Television Centre of the rtate Broa$m!uting C m(wiy "Ostankino" !nd other Russian, !s ¼ell !s Itali!n jirms 0rovides information !nd technical ujrvices using a uignal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV 0rogramme $or information tr!nsmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmission and reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a s0ecial $ecoder)6 Transmitted information is FFF÷ T This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 10 ye!rs in the ←jst !nd h!s "een 0roved to "e efficient. look *eht 0!ke>>>
P120 12P TE$EIVF U!a R V P2:58:24 Thj Joint stock com0!ny "Teleinf" Ret u0 bz Z/O "Machinoexport",the Main Centre of Broa$"!sting of the Russi!n Federation,Technical Television Centre "Ostankino" and other Russian, !s well !s Italian jirms 0rovides information !nd technical uervices using a signal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV rogramme $or information hransmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmission md reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a 0ecial $ecodjr)6 Transmitted information is E"F÷ T s This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 1P years in the ←est !nd h!s been 0roved to "e efficient. (ook *eht 0!ge>>>
P120 12P TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:58:52 T(e Joint stock !om0!ny "Teleinf" Ret up bz Z/O "Machinoexport",the Main Bentre of Broa$"!sting of the Russi!n Dederation,Technical Television Centre jf the rtate Broaom!sting C m(wiy "Ostankino" !nd other Russian, !s ¼ell !s Itali!n jirms 0rovides information !nd technical ujrvices using a uignal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV 0rogramme $or information hr!msmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmission !nd reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a s0ecial $ecoder)6 Transmitted information is jncrypted, mixed into a TV uignal nd FFE÷ T This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 10 ye!rs in the +jst !nd h!s "een 0roved to "e efficient. look *eht 0!'e>>>
P120 Q2P TETJIVF Sab R) Mow P1:1s:13 The Joint Rtock "omP!my "Teleink" Rkt u0 by Z/O "Machinoex0ort",the Majn CUntre of Broa$b!2ting jf t(e Ru←si * De$eration,Tjchnical (elevision Centre "Ostankino" !nd other Russi!n, !s ¼ell !R Itali!n jjrm← rovi$js injorm tion !nd tochnjcal ujrwjces u3i■g a uignat 0rogramme $or information hr!nsmission. This method me!ns tr!nsmiskion !n2 reception of injormation on TU screens ECE÷ T @ @
P120 12P TE$FIVF U!a R1 Vov P2:52:28 T(e Joint stock !om0!ny "Teleinf" Ret up by Z/O "Machinoex0ort",the M!in Bentre of Broad"!sting of the Russi!n De$eration,Tjchnical Television Centre "Ostankino" !nd other Russian, !s ¼ell !s Itali!n jirms 0rovi$es information !nd tochnical uervices using a uignal "om0ression method of the TV 0rogr!mme $or information Tr!nsmission. This method means tr!nsmission !nd reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a Pjcial $ecoder)6 Transmitted information is jncrypted, mixed into a TV uignal !nd FFE÷ T This uystem h!s "een in o0eration jor more than 1P ye!rs in the +jst !nd h!s "een 0roved to "j efficient. look *eht 0!ke>>>
P120 12P TETEINF U!b 21 Vo■ P1:56:P7 The Joint stock !om0!ny "Teleinf" uet up by Z/O "Machinoexport",the M!in Bentre of Broa$"!sting of the Russian Federation,Technical Television Centre "Ostankino" and other Russian, !s ¼ell !s Itali!n jirms 0rovides information !nd technical uervices using a uignal "om0ression method of the TV 0rogramme for information hr!msmiskion. This method means transmission and reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a s0ecial $jcoder). Transmitted information is jncrypted, mixed into a TV uignal nd FF'÷ T This system h!s "jen in o0eration jor more than 1P years in the West !nd look *ext 0!ge>>>
P120 12P TFTEIVF U!b R1 Vow P1:42:28 The Jwint utock !om0!→y "TeleinT" Rjt u0 bz Z/O "M!chinoexport",the M!in Bentre jf Broa$b!Rting of t(e Ru35i!m Fe$jr!tion,Tjchnical (elevision Centre "Ostankino" !nd other Russiam, as ¼ell !u Italian jirms 0rovides information !nd tochnicat ujrvices using a uignat "om0reskion -ethod Uf the Q-;t TV rogramme $or information trankmiskion. This method me!ns transmission and reception of information on TV uareens  CC'÷ T @ @