P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:54:57 T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme signal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of the following junctions: - to 0rovide commercial 3ervices (information is i en out to t t "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "uu"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines "z !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une regime Uut of two: a televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. On a re0resentation $jvice ucreen FF÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 ch!racters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vertically). (ook *ext 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 Vow 01:52:44 T(e information tr!nsmission "y a TV 0rogramme Rignal Uill m!ke 0ossible realisation kf the jollowing junction3: - to 0rovide commercial 3jrvices "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "3u"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines bz !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une Regime Uut Uf (wo: a televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. Wn a re0resentation $jvice ucreen FFF÷ T informational m!gazine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 4P ch!r!cters 0er line !nd 24 lines (vjrtically)6 (ook *eht 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:34:58 T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme signal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of the following $unctions: - to 0rovide commercial services (inoormation is i en sut to y t "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "uu"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines "z !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une regime Uut Uf two: a televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. On a re0resentation $jvice ucreen FFF÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 ch!racters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vjrtically)6 (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:57:54 T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme Rignal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of the $ollowing junctions: - to 0rovide commercial uervices "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "uu"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines "z !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une regime Uut Uf two: a televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. -n a re0resentation $jvice ucreen F''÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin4 etc. "onsists of 40 ch!racters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vjrtically)6 (ook Teht 0!ke>>>
P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:51:54 T(e information tr!nsmission "y a TV 0rogramme Rignal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of t(e following junctions: - to 0rovide commercial uervices (nfoomation) hss a eo sitility to "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to t(e "su"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines "z !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une Regime Uut of two: teleui- Rion rogr!mme/ dditional information. Wn a re0resentation $jvice ucreen CF'÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 4P ch!racters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vjrtically). (ook Text 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TFTEINF Uab 21 Vow 01:42:27 T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme signal will m!ke 0wssible realisation jf the jollowing $unctions: - to 0rovide commercial services (nnormmtiin) i! a 0ossibility to "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to t(e "3u"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines bz !n electronic method ("Teletext" Uystem)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une regime Uut mf two: a televi- Rion rogr!mme/ dditional information6 -n a re0resentation $jvice ucreen F'+÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 4P ch!racters 0er line !nd 24 lines (vjrtically)6 (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TETEINF Uab RQ Vo÷ 01z44:14 T(e information tr!nsmission "y TV 0rogr!mme 3ignal will m!ke 0wssi£le zealisation mf h "ollowing RunationJ: - to 0rovi$j commercial services "ustomer in an encry ted $orm !!cording to t(e "Rk""ription!)6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV magazines by !n electronic method X"Teletext" System)6 A T6 jjewkr (a consumer of "hoo3e mne Regime Uut jf two: a teleui- Rion 0rogramme/additional information. →n a re0resentation device ucreen EFE÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin4 Utc. "onsists of 40 ch!r!cters 0er tine !nd 24 li■es (vjrticall¼)n (ook *eht 0!ke>>*
P121 121 TELJIVF Sab 21 Vow P2:44:16 T(e information tr!msmission "h a TV rogr!mme 3ign t wijj m!ke 0os5i£lv realisation kf t(e $ollowing functions: - to 0rovide commerci l 5ervices "ustomer in an encrypted Vorm !ccording to the "3ubcription"): "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV m!g!zines bz !n electronic method ("Teletext" System): A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose mne Regime Uut mf two: teleui- Rion rogramme/additional information. On a re0resknt tion $jvice Qarevn ''+÷ T informational magazine, bulletin, etc. !onsists of 4P "h!racters Pjr line !nd 24 tines (vkrticall¾): (ook *ext 0!'e>>>
P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 Vow 01:12:28 T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme Rignal will m!ke 0ossible realisation Uf t(e "ollowing $unctions: - to 0rovi$j commercial sjrvices "ustomer in !n encrypted form !ccording to the "uu""ription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines "y !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose jne regime Uut Uf two: televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. Wn a re0resentation $jvice uareen 'CC÷ T informational m!gazine, "ulletin4 etc. eonsists of 40 "h!racters 0jr tine and 24 tines (vjrticall¾)6 (ook Teht P!'e>>>
P121 1R1 TFTE%nF U!a R1 j■w P1:PP:P T(e information tr!msmi3sion "z a TV rogr!mme Rignal wijl m!ke 0ossible Realisation mf (he "ollowing "un!tion3: - to 0rovide "ommercial uervices "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "uu""ription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" Uyktem: - to create TV magazines "z !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une regime Uut Uf two: a teleui- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. -n a re0resentation $jvice ucreen 'CF÷ T informational m!gazine, "ulletin, etc. eonsists of 4P "h!ractgrs 0er tine !nd 24 tinjs (vjrticall¾): (ook *eij 0!ge>>>
P121 1R1 TETEInF U!a )1 jo■ P)¾4P:1P T(" information transmission "y a TV rogramme Rignal Uill m!ke 0ossible Pealisation UV (he "ollowing "un"tions: - to rovidj "ommercial services "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "3u!"ription!46 RB t Broa$b!sting" Uystem: - to create TV magazines "y !n electronic mkthod ("Teletext" System). A TV viewer (a consumer of jnformation) h!s a 0ossi"jlity to "hoosj one regime Uut jf two: a teleui- Rion rogr!mme/ ddition l inform tion6 /n re0resknt tion $evice 5areen FE'÷ T informational m!gazine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 char!bters 0er line (ook Teht @!ke>>>
P121 121 TEJEINF Sab 21 Vov 02:32:17 The information tramsmiskion "z TV rogr!mme signal will m!ke 0ossi£le Pealisation mf (he following $unCtion3: - to 0rovide commercial services (information is given out to thj "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "sub"ription"*- "Data Broa$b!Rting" System: 5 to breate TV m!g!zines "z an electronic method ("Teletexj" System). A TV viewer (a consumer of jnformation) h!s a 0wssibility to "hoose Une regime Uut Uf (wo: a lelevi- Rion rogr!mme/additional inform tion6 On represent!tion djvice uareen FF÷ T inform!tional magazine, bulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 characters 0er tine !nd 24 tines (vjrtically)6 (ook next 0!'e>>>
P121 121 TETEIVF U!b 21 Vov P2:58:50 T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme Rignal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of the following $unctions: - to 0rovide commercial uervices (nnformttion is i en sut to y e "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "uu""ription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines "z !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une Regime Uut Uf two: a televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. -n a re0resentation $jvice ucreen FF'÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 ch!racters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vjrtically)6 (ook *eht 0!ke>>>
P121 121 TETEIVF U!a R1 jov P2:57:5: T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme signal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of the $ollowing $unctions: - to 0rovide commercial 3jrvices "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "uu""ription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines "z an electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose ne Regime ut f two: televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. On a re0resentation $jvice ucreen E'F÷ T informational magazine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 characters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vjrtically)6 (ook Teht 0!'e>>>
P121 121 TETEIVF U!b 21 Vov P2:55:55 T(e information tr!nsmission "y a TV 0rogramme signal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of the following junctions: - to 0rovide commercial 3jrvices "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "uu"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV mag!zines bz an electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une regime Uut of two: a televi- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. On a re0resentation $jvice ucreen FT÷ T informational m!gazine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 ch!r!cters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vertically)6 (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 Vow 01z28:Q2 The information tramsmission "y a TV rogr!mme Qignal wiml m!ke 0ossibl" realisation of t(e $ollowing junction3: - to rovidj commercial services (information is kiven Uut (o (he "ustomer in an encrypted $orm !ccording to the "suTTription") D Broa$"!sting" Uystem: + to croatg TV mag!zines by !m jlectromi' method ("Tjletext" System). A TV viewer (a "onsumer of CC÷ 4 @
P121 121 tFTEINF U!b R1 Vow 01:28z28 T(e information tr!nsmisseon "m T @rogr!mme signal rill m!ke 0ossible Realisation ef The ollowing unations: - to rovi$e "ommercial services "ustomer in an encrypted $orm !ncording to hhe "su"bription")6 "Eata Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV m!g!zines "z !m electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a "on umer of "hoose ne Regime Uut Uf two: teleui- Rion rogr!mme/additional information. On a re0resentation $jvice 5areen CFE÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin4 etc. "onsists of 4P "h!r!cters 0er tine !nd 24 tines (vjrticatl¾). (ook *eht @!ge>>>
P121 121 TETFIVF U!b 21 Vov P1:52:38 The information tr!msmission "y a TV 0rogr!mme Rignal ¼ill m!ke 0ossi£le Realisation jf (he $ollowing "un"tionk: - to 0rovide commercial uervices (nnformation is ki 0n wut to t e "ustomer in !n encrypted $orm !"cording to t(e "uu""ription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to "reate TV m!g!zines "z !m electronic method ("Teletext" Uystem)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une Regime Uut Uf (wo: a teleui- Rion rogr!mme/ ddition l inform tion. -n a re0resentation $evice ucreen '''÷ T informational m!gazine, "ulletin4 etc. "onsists of 4P "h!racters 0er tine !nd 24 tines (verticall¾): (ook *eht 0!ke>>>
P121 121 TETEIVF U!b R1 jo■ P1: s¾14 T(e information tr!nsmission by a TV 0rogr!mme Rignal Uill m!ke 0oskibTe Realisation mf t(e $ollowing $unctions: 5 to 0rovide commercial 5jrvices "ustomer in an encrypted $orm !ccording to t(e "su""ription")6 "Eata Broa$"!sting" Uystem: - to create TV mag!zines bz !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a "onsumer of "hoose ne Regime Uut Uf wo: te eui- Rion rogr!mme/ ddhtion t inform tion6 FFC÷ T informational m!g!zine, "ulletin, etc. "■nsists of 40 "har!cters Per line (oo← *eht 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TELEINF Uab 21 Vow P1:u2:10 The information tr!msmission "y a TV @rogramme signal will m!ke 0ossible realisation mf the ollowing unction : - to 0rovide commercial ujrvices !nn R4 ti■n) ha ! Pn su* "ustomer in am encrypted "orm !"corbing to t(e "3ubaription" B Broa$"asting" System: - to create TV magazines "z an electronic method ("Tejetext" Unktem  A (V @iewer (a onsumer f @ o U Re m t : Rion iogr!mme/ d$htional injorm tion6 -n a re0resentation $evice ucreen 'C+÷ T informational m!k!zine, bultetin, etc. "onsjsts of 40 "h!rabtgrs 0jr link In FFF asa *  (ook *eht 0!ge>>>
P121 Q2Q ZETEINF Uab RQ Vo■ P2:56¼47 T(e information hr!nsmission bz a TV rogramme Rignal will m!ke 0oskible re lis tion kf t(e jollowing junctions: - to 0rovide commercial 5ervices "ustomer in !n encrypted form !bcording to the "uu""ription")6 "Data Broa$"asting" System: eUectronic method ("Tjletexj" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of CE'÷ T
P121 121 TETFINF U!b 21 Vow 01z41:12 T(e information lr!nkmiskion "y TV 0rogr!mme 3ign l jill m!ke 0wski£Te Realis tion Uf ((e "ollowing "un"tion3: 5 to 0rovide "ommercial ujrvices (information is aven out to t(e "ustomer in am encrypted form !ccording to t(e "uu"cription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" Uystem: - to create TV mag!zines by an eleCtronic method ("Teletext" Sustem)6 A TV viewer (a "onsumer of s j +++÷ T     @
P121 121 TETEINF U!b 21 jov P2:57:54 T(e information tr!nsmission "z a TV 0rogramme Rignal will m!ke 0ossible realisation of the following junctions: - to 0rovide commercial 3ervices (nnoormttion is i 0n sut to y t "ustomer in an encrypted form !ccording to the "su""ription")6 "Data Broa$"!sting" System: - to create TV m!g!zines "z !n electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une regime Uut Uf two: a teleui- Rion rogr!mme/additional inform tion. On a re0resentation $jvice ucreen FE÷ T informational mag!zine, "ulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 ch!r!cters 0jr line !nd 24 tines (vertically)6 (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P121 121 TEJEJNF Uab R) jov P2:56:Q; The information tr!nsmission "z a TV rogramme Rignal will m!ke 0ossible realisation jf the following function3: - to 0rovide commercial 3ervices "ustomer in !n encrypted form !ccording to the "uu"cription")6 "Eata @roa$"!sting" System: - to create TV m!gazines by an electronic method ("Teletext" System)6 A TV viewer (a consumer of "hoose Une Regime Uut Uf two: a teleui- Rion rogr!mme/ dditional inform tion. mn a re0resentation $jvice ucreen FF÷ T informational magazine, bulletin, etc. "onsists of 40 "harabters 0er line !nd 24 linjs (verticatl¾). (ook neht 0!'e>>>