P122 122 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:54:54 The information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, ucience and etc. For the jirst time in Russia have p0e!red 0ossilility to receive snd transmit required information instantly to the network Uf u3er's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience shows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "an "e 0resented in the following Rections: - news; rogramme nnouncements; FFF÷ T
P122 122 TELEINF U!b R1 Vow 01:45:34 T(e information tr!nsmitted !om0ri- Rjs commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, ucience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!ve tr!nsmit required information instantly to (he jetwork jf u3er's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ei0erience Qhows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "!n "e 0resented in the $ollowing Rections: - Tews; rog mme u m n FFF÷ T
P122 122 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:57:14 T(e information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, ucience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!ve transmit required information instantly to t(e Tetwork Uf u3er's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience shows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "!n "e 0resented in the following Rections: - news; rogr mme oun ements; FFF÷ T
P122 122 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:58:35 T(e information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, ucience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!ve transmit required information inst!ntly to the *etwork Uf u3er's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience Rhows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "an "e 0resented in the following Rections: - news; rogr mme nouncements; FEF÷ T
P122 122 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:P4:P: The information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcience and etc. For the jirst time in Russia have tr!nsmit required information instantly (o (he Tetwork Uf u3er's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience Rhows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "an "e 0resented in the $ollowing Rections: - news; 0rogr e n m ''F÷ T
P122 122 TFTEJNF Uab 21 Vow P1:5u:58 T(j information tramsmitted !om0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, ucience !nd etcn Eor the jirst timj in Russia h!vj - !adio nd teleuision rogr!mmes, transkit requjred information inst!ntly to t(e 6etwork Uf 5sjr'k )tation3. Joreign r!"tice ei0erience Qhows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "an "e @resented in (he $ollowing Rjctions: - jews; 0rogr!mme a*nouncements; - passenojr tr!nsport reforence information; - a$vjrti¼jment; FFF÷ T
P122 122 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:57:54 The information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!vj p-eared a 0ossibility to receive snd transmit required information instantly to the jetwork Uf u3er's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience shows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "an "e 0resented in the $ollowing Rections: - news; rogr mme nouncements; FFF÷ T
P122 122 TFTEJNF U!b R1 Vow 01z54:58 T(e information tr!msmitted "om0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0wlitics,s0orts4 ucience !nd etcn For the jirst time in Russia h!ue tramsmit required inVormation instantly to ((e jetwork jV usjr'k Rtation3. Joreign r!"tice ei0erienCe Rhows "!n "e 0resented in (he $ollowing 5ections: - jews; @ '+C÷ T
P122 122 TE$FINF U!a ) V P P The information tr!nsmitted !om0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcience and etc. For the jirst time in Russia have -e!red 0d tilevity t recrime s, transmit required information instantly to (he Tetwork jf u3er's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience shows that information in a teletext magazine "an "e 0resented in the $ollowing Rections: - news; rogr!mme announcements; FCF÷ T
P122 122FTFTEEnF i!a 5  P1:*8:1 T(e information tr!nsmitted com0ji- Rjs commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcjence !md etc. For the $irst timj in Russia h!vj tr!nsmit required information inst!ntly to ((e *etwork kf 55er'k )t tjonQ6 Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience Qhows that information in a teletext m!gazine "an "e 0resented in the $oljowing Rections: - jews; rogr mm a nounc me@ts; - 0assjngjr trans0out reference information; - advjrtisement; CEC÷ T @ - woather forec!st, etc6 T(j teletext equi0ment aTjows to "e !"Som0any TV 0rogr!mmes ¼ijh uubtitles (ook *ext 0!ge>>>
P122 122 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:54:57 T(e information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!vj -erred 0dssilility to receive snd transmit required information inst!ntly to t(e jetwork Uf u3jr's Rtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience shows that information in a teletext mag!zine "an "e 0resented in the $ollowing Rections: - news; rogr mme nouncements; FFF÷ T
P122 122 TFTFINF U!b 21 Vow P2:P2:13 T(e information tr!nsmitted !om0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!vj Perred a 0dssilility to receime s,d tr!nsmit required information inst!ntly to (he 6etwork jf 53er's Qtation36 Foreign 0r!"tice ei0erience uhows that information in a teletext mag!zine "an "e 0resented in t(e $ollowing Rections: - news; rogr!mme !mnouncements; - 0assengjr tr!ns0ort reference information; - advfrtisement; CFE÷ T
P122 122 TETEIVF U!a R1 Vo■ P1:52:54 T(e information tr!nsmitted !om0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts4 ucience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!vj tr!nsmit required information inst!ntly to t(e jetwork Uf u3er's Rtation36 Foreign 0r!"tice ei0erience Rhows that information in a teletext m!g!zine "an "e 0resented in the following Rections: - jews; rogr!mme ouncements; FF'÷ T
P122 122 TE$FImF U!a R1 j■w P2:P¾¾24 T(j information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Rjs commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts4 Rcjence amd etc. Jor the jirst time in Russia h!ue transmit required information inst!ntly (o ((e *etwork Uf uRer's RtatUonk6 Foreigm 0r!"tice ei0erience Qhows that information in a teletext m!g@zine "an "e 0resented in the $ollowing Rections: - jews; E +÷ T 
P122 122 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:P2:42 The information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts4 Rcience and etc. For the jirst time in Russia h!ve ap0e!red a 0ossi"ility to receime s,d transmit required information instantly to the network Uf u3er's Qtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience Qhows that information in a teletext magazine "an "e 0resented in t(e $ollowing Rections: - news; 0rogramme !nnouncements; CFF÷ T
P122 122 TFTJINF Uab R1 Vow P1:51:16 The information tr!nsmitted com0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcience !nd etc. For the jirst time in Russia have transmit required information inst!ntly to t(e jetwork mf user's Rtation3. Joreign 0r!"tice ei0erience Rhows that information in a teletext m!gazine "an "e 0resented in (he "ollowing Rjctions: - news; FFC÷ T
P122 122 TEJEImF UaR 5) j■v P2:22:) The information tr!msmitted !om0ri- Res commerce, culture, 0olitics,s0orts, Rcience and etc. For t(j jirst time in Russia h!ue - radio !md teleuision rogrammes, transmit reqkired information instantly to (he *etwork -f usjr'; Qtation3. Foreign 0r!"tice ex0erience Qhows that information in a tejetext mag zine "an be 0resented in the $ollowing Rections: - news; @ @ogrCmm@ n ou c ments; - passenger transport reference information; - advertisement; F ÷ T 5 weather forec!st, etc. The teletext equipment ahlows to "e !ccompany TV 0rogr!mmes with 3uatitles look Teht !ge>>>