P123 123 TETEINF Uab 21 Vov P2:56:57 jor television viewers with im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock com0any "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned 5jrvices (with the installation of receiving $jvices and technical m!intenance)6 For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. ÷ T (ook Text 0!ge>>>
P123 123 TELEINF Uab 21 Vow 01:52:41 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccompany 0rogrammes with 3ubtitjes in the l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock company "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned 3ervices (with the installation of receiving djvices and technical m!intenance)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. EFF÷ T (ook *ext 0!ge>>>
P123 123 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:P1:28 jor television viewers with im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock com0!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned 5jrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices and technical m!intenance)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. F F÷ T (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P123 123 TE$EINF U!a 21 Vov P2:5P:24 $or television viewers with im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. T(e Joint stock "om0any "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned ujrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices and technical m!intenance)6 For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. F ÷ T (ook Teht 0!'e>>>
P123 12u TETEINF U!a 21 jov P2:5P:58 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s ¼ell !s to !ccom0any 0rogrammes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock com0!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned ujrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices !nd technical m!inten!nce)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. ÷ T (ook *eht 0!ke>>>
P123 1R3 TFJFJnF U!b 21 Vo■ P2:53¾24 $or television viewers with im0!ired heCring, as wgll !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes Uith subtitles in (he languages jv the vatUonalities of CIS. The Joint Rtock bomPany "Teleinf" mffers t(e !Rove mentioned 5ervices (with the installation of receiving $evices and tecTnicQl maintwn!nce For russi!n "lients 0!ymjnt is to "j effected in roubtws. @ CCF÷ T (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P123 12S TFLEJNF Uab 21 Vo■ 01:P8:12 jor television viewers with im0!ired (e!ring4 !s ¼ell !s to !Scom0amy 0rogr!mmes Uith 5ubtitles in The languages of t(e nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock Com0!my "Teleinf" jffors the !bovj mentioned 5jrvices (with the installation mf receiving $jvices and tochnical m!intonance)6 Jor russi!n "lients payment is to "e effected in roubles. 'FC÷ T (ook Teht 0!ke>>*
P123 12s TELEINF U!b 21 Vow P2:;2z22 or television viewers with im0!ired (earing4 !s ¼ell !s to !ccompany 0rogr!mmes ¼ith 3ubtiules in (hd languCges of the mationalities of CISn T(e Joint stock !om0!my "TeleinR" uffers the !aove -kntioned nesvices (with thj instaljation of receiving $jvjces and teShnical m!intgnancV 6 @ Jor r ssi!n blients !yment is to bj effected in roubles. ' ÷ T look Teht !ke>>>
P123 123 TETEINF U!b R1 Vov P1:54:58 jor television viewers with im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogrammes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock com0any "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned ujrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices and technical m!intenance)6 For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. FFF÷ T look *eht 0!ge>>>
P123 12s TFLEIVF U!b 21 Vov P1:37:44 $or televjsion viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !u woll !s to accomPanz rogr!mmes Uith Quatjtjes hn T(e l!mgu!ges of the nationalitie; of CIS6 T(e Joint Rtock "omp!my "Teleinf" jffers the !bovj mentioned 5jrvices (with thj installation of receiving $k÷icws !nd twchnicat m!intgn!ncw For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. @ FFE÷ T @ (ook Teht 0!'j>>>
P123 1R3 TE$FImF U!a 2 P2:18:U1 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogrammes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. T(e Joint stock comp!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned 3jrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices and technical m!intenance)6 For russi!n clients 0ayment is to "j effected in roubles. F ÷ T (ook *eht 0!ke>>>
P123 1R5FTE$FImF i a ) CP← Z $or television viewers ¼ith im0aired hearing4 !s welj !s to accom0amy 0rogr!mmes ¼ith 3uatitles in t(e languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock !om0 ny "Teleinf" jffers the !bovj mentioned Qervices (with the installation of receiving $fvices !nd twchnical mainten!nce For russian clients 0ayment is to "e effected in rouates. FEF÷ T (ook Teht @!ge>>>
P123 123 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:58:51 jor television viewers with im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock com0any "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned 5jrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices and technical m!intenance)6 For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. ÷ T look Text 0!ge>>>
P123 123 TFTEINF Uab R1 Vow P2:P4:18 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!jred he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in (he languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock !om0!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !"ove mentioned 5jrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices !nd technical m!inten!nce)6 For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. 'CE÷ T (ook Teht 0!ke>>>
P123 123 TE$FIVF U!a R1 Vov P1:51:P1 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s ¼ell !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in ((e l!ngu!ges of the nationalities of CIS. T(j Joint Rtock "om0any "Teleinf" jffers the !bovj mentioned uervices (with the installation of receiving $jvices and technical m!intgn!nce): For russi!n "lients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. F''÷ T (ook Teht 0!'e>>>
P123 123 TETEINF U!b R1 Vov P2:54:56 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccompany 0rogrammes with 3ubtitles in the languages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint Rtock com0any "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned ujrvices (with the installation of receiving $jvices and technical maintenance)6 For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. ÷ T (ook Teht 0!'e>>>
P123 12s TFLEINF Uab R1 Vow P1:11:18 $or television viewers with imp!ired he!ring, as well !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with Qubtitles in (he l!ngu!ges Uf (he jationalities of CIS. T(e Joint utock aom0!ny "Teleink" mffers the !bove mentioned 3jrvicfs (with the installation mf receiving $j÷ices and technical maintgnance)6 For rmssian clients 0aymknt is to "j effected in roublesn ''÷ T (ook *eht 0!ke>>>
P123 1R3FTEJE)oF i!a 21 V■¼ P2:1Z:← jor television vjewers ¼iuh im0!jreR (earing, !s well !s to !ccompany 0rogrammes with kubtijles in the l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. T(j Joint utock "omPany "Teleinf" mffers t(e !bove mentioned 3ervices (with the installation of receiving $jvices and technical majntenance). For russian clients 0!yment is to "e effected in roubles. E@÷ T @ @ (ook *ext 0!'e>>>