P12b 12P TFTEINF U!b 21 Nov 01:52:11 T(e Joint ktock !om0!ny "Teleinj" Ret up bz V/O "M!"hinoexport",the M!in Bentre of Broad"!sting of the Russian Fedjration,Technical Television Centre "Ostankino" !nd other Russian4 !s ¼ell !k Itali!m jirms rovi$es information !nd tochnical ujrvices using a uignal rogramme $or information (r!nsmission6 This method means transmission !nd receQtion of information on TV ucreens nst a i c FCE÷ T
P12b 12P TETEINF U!b 21 Vow P2:44:15 The Joint stock !om0!my "Teleinj" uet up bz Z/O "Machinoexport",the Main Centre of Broa$"!sting of the Russi!n De$eration,Technical Television Centre "Ostankino" and other Russi!n, !s ¼ell !s Itali!n jirms 0rovi$es information !nd tochnical uervices using a uignal "om0ression method of the Q-st TV rogramme $or information Tr!msmission. This method means tr!nsmission !nd reception of information on TV ucreens jnstallation of a u0ecial $jcoder)6 Transmitted information is jncrypted, mixed into a TV uignat !md FFF÷ T This uystem h!s "een in o0eration jor more than 1P ye!rs in the ←est !nd h!s "een 0roved to "e efficient. (ook Teht 0!ke>>
P12b 12P TETEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:s):11 T(e Joint stock !omP!ny "Teleinf" ret up bz Z/O "Machinoexport",the M!in Centre of Broa$"!2ting of the Ru←si!m Federation4Technical Television Centre "Ost!nkino" !nd other Russian, !s ¼ell !s Itali!n jirms 0rovides information !nd technical uervices using a uignal "om0ression method of t(e Q-st TV rogramme $or information Tr mkmisQion. This method mjans tr!nsmission nd reception of information mn TV 3areens insta lation f a RPeci l $ co r)6 Tr!nsmitted information is jncryhted4 mixeR into a TV Rj7n l *d FFE÷ T This system h!s "jkn in j0erQtjon jor more than 1P 9e!rs in t(j kjst !nd h!s "een 0roved to "j efficient. look *eht 0!k">>