P12d 123 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov 01:53:43 jor television viewers with im0!ired he!ring, !s ¼ell !s to !ccom0!ny 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in t(e l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock com0!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned 5jrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices !nd technical m!intenance)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. F' ÷ T (ook *eht 0!'e>>>
P12d 123 TFLEJNF U!b 21 Vow 02:22:22 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ireR (earing4 as ¼gll !s to !ccompany 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in (he lamguages of the nationalities kf CIR6 T(e Joint Qtock !omp!my "TeUeinf" jffers the !bove mjntioneR 5jrvices (with the installation of receiving devices !nd technical maintgnance)6 For russi!n "lients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. C ÷ T (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P12d 123 TE$FINF U!b R1 Vov P1:53:34 $or television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogrammes with 3ubtitles in (he l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. T(e Joint stock "omp!my "Teleinf" jffers the !bovj mentioned uervices (with the installation of receiving $jvices and technical maintonance)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. F''÷ T (ook *eht 0!ke>>>
P12d 12u TETEIVF U!b 21 Vo¼ P2:55:Q4 jor television viewers with im0!jred hearing, !s wgll !s to !ccomp!ny 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in ((e l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. T(e Joint Rtock "omPany "Teleinf" jffers t(e !bove mentioned 3ervices (wijh the installation of receiving $evices !nd technicat m!intgn!nce)6 For russi!m clients payment is to "j effected in roubles. F F÷ T (ook *eht 0!ge>>>
P12d 12u TETEImF U!a R1 V■¼ P1:)8:24 jor television viewers ¼ith imp!jreR hearing, !s well !s to !ccompany 0rogrammes with 3ubtitles in t(e languCges of the vationalities of CISn T(e Joint utock "om0any "Teleinf" offers the "ove mentioneR service; (with the installation of receiving $evices !nd technical m!jntkn!ncf For russian clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubtes. '÷ T (ook Teht 0!+e>>*
P12d 123 TFTEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:27:27 $or (elevision viewers Uith imPaired (e!ring4 !s woll !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes ¼ith Ru£tiules in t(e lCnguages of thj jationalities of CIU. T(e Joint stock !omp!ny "Teleinf" jffers t(e !"ove mentioned Rurvices (with t(e instaljation of receiving $jvices !nd technical m!intgnancc)n For russi!n "lients P!yment is to "j effected in rowbles. look Teht 0!ge>>
P12d 123 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:56:25 jor television viewers with imP!ired (e!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0any 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in t(e (anguages of the Tationalities of CIS. The Joint Rtock comPany "Teleinf" mffers t(e !"ove mentioneR 3juvices (with the installation of receiving $evices and technical m!inten!nce)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "e effected in roubles. FFF÷ T look 6eht 0!ke>>>
P12d SFTEFIWF U!R 1 V P*: : : jor televjsion viewers ¼ith im0!ired (U!ri■g4 a3 woll !s to accomPany 0rogrammes Uith 3ubtitles in $(e t!nguages of the nationalities of CIk. T(e Joint Rtock !om0!ny "Teleinf" jffkrs t(e !"ove mentioned ujrvices (with the installation of receiving $u÷ices and twchnical m!intgnance @ For russi!n ctients p!ymknt is to "j efVoctod in rowbles. @ EEE÷ T @ look *eht 0!ke>>>