P12f 123 TETEIVF U!b 21 Vov P1:57:57 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s well !s to !ccom0!ny 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in t(e l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. The Joint stock "om0any "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned 5jrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices !nd technical m!inten!nce)6 For russi!n "lients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. F''÷ T (ook Teht 0! e>>>
P12f 123 TELEINF U!b 21 Vow P2:16:53 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, as well !s to !ccomP!ny 0rogr!mmes ¼ith 3ubtitles in T(e l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. T(j Joint stock comP!my "Teleinf" jffers thj !"ove mentioned uervices (with the installation of receiving $evices !nd technical m!intgn!nce)6 For russian "lients 0!yment is to bj effectod in rowblesn F''÷ T (ook *eht 0@'e>>>
P12f 123 TE$EIVF U!b 21 Vov P1:55:54 $or television viewers ¼ith im0!ired (earing, !s well !s to !ccom0!ny 0rogr!mmes ¼ith ubtitles in t(e l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. T(e Joint stock "om0 ny "Teleinf" jffers the !"ovj mentioned ujrvices (with the installation of receiving $evices !nd technical m!int n!nce)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. 'FF÷ T (ook eht 0! e>>>
П12ф 125 ТЕ$ЕИНФ У!а 21 Жож П1:59:58 ор т ежа ион ницверс еижх им ре и л х лекгт ге руф ком Яаыко али иес еф и о ферс тне !и же еенти нед нир иц и цта ир ноцб еод ЦФ'ч Т о к е т ! >>
P12f 1R5 TE$EInF U!a 21 jov P1:P2:55 or e evasion vicw rs with im ! re ing l ! t ! co y rogr! mes ith u ti e in lengu Tes of toe nationalities ef CI T Joint stock com "Telein " ffers vno !i ve menti ned nic ic t s d t chni al r r s n s ff cta in nocblesd ek t u kom z e ower i EE'÷ T l >
P12f 125 TELEIVF U!a 21 Vov P1:21:42 evi son nica us wivh l!ngu ges os khm na&ie ali ies ef C T Joint toc om y "Tele n fozm tho !b vj ednti ned *ir vc r e ecte in niua eod r o 'EC÷ T i illice.
P12f 123 TFTEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:55:32 jor television viewers ¼ith im0!ired he!ring, !s ¼ell !s to !ccom0!ny 0rogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in (he l!nguages of the nationalities of CIS. T(e Joint stock "om0!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !"ovj mentioned 5ervices (with the installation of receiving $evices and technical m!intgnance)6 For russi!n clients 0!yment is to "j effected in roubles. F''÷ T (ook Teht 0!ge>>>
P12f 1R5 TETEIVF U!a R1 V■¼ P1:P2:4P eta itn nica ro eitht lengt Ta os kom Qatio dli ies er i Joint o k o ¼ozm vno ti ve ednti ntr mir ic i cta tn nica usd '''÷ T i llic >
P12f 1 FTETEIVF i!R R1 j■■ 01¾4 :52 or televasion viewers ji,h im0 re ( i g, ll t ! co n 0rogrammes ViEh Oubti es in e u@g s oT the jationalities tf CIS. T(e Joint ock o L↑ i t i ro s. ''÷ T @ (o k Te t ! e>>
P12f 1R3 TFTEINF Uaa R1 Vow 01:48¼22 jov television viewers Uith imPaireR (e!ring, as ¼ell !s to !ccomP!my 0rogr!mmes Uith 3ubtitles in (he lamguaWes of t(e mationalities of CIkn T(e Joint stock aompany "Teleinf" jffers t(e !bove mjntioned services (with the inRtallation Uf receiving $evices and technical m!untenance)6 For russi!n clients 0ayment is to "j effectgd in roubtesn FFF÷ T @ (ook *ehu 0!ke>>>
П12ф 1Р5ФТ%ТФ%мФ У!Я )) й■■ П :1 Эта стр!ница содержит теВкт йа рускком Языке для 0роверки шозможности 0йред!чи 1тр!миц на мивиллице? Тта утр!ница содержит текст йа Русском Яз П ЕЦ'ч Т мириллице.