P130 130 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:56:55 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very well, don't You? +ould You like to st!rt working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? -ur tra$j mark SOMAK leads the waz to " ASHIVOE PORT" Ehtern l Tr ing Company Moscow, Russia Reli!bility Responsibility Mobility Activeness Com0etence +j t!ke 0!rt in various external eF÷ T !nd know-how. +j $eal with investment and inno- vation 0rogr!ms. look Text 0!ge *>>>
P130 13P TELEINF Uab 21 Vow P1:37z24 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very ¼ell, $wn't iou? ←ould You like to staRt working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? -ur tra$e mark UOMAK teads the ¼!z o ARtivFhtss Reli!bility Res0onsibility Mobility Acti÷eness ComPetence -j t!ke 0!rt in various extern l FEE÷ T !nd know-how. ←j $eal ¼ith invjstment and inno- Tation rogram3. (ook Teht 0!'e *>>>
P130 Q3P TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:18:25 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very well, donWt You? +ould You like to st!rt working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? Our tra$j m!rk SOMAK leads the way to " ASH VOE PORT" Fhtern l Tr ng Rjli!bility Rjs0onsibility Mobility Activjness ComPetence +j t!ke 0!rt in v!rious external F'÷ T !nd know-how. 5j $eal with invjstment !nd inno- Tation rogr!m3. (ook Teht 0!ge *>>>
P130 Q30 TELEINF Uab 21 Nov 02:21:44 You jorked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very well, don't iou? +ould You like to start working with "MASHINOEXPORT"? Our trade mark SOMAK leads the ¼!z om0any Moscow, Russia Reli!aility Rjsponsibility Mobility Activeness Competence 5j t!ke 0 rt in v rious extern l eco omic o erations ¼ith good, Qjrvices and know-how. +j deal with investment !nd inno- vation 0rogr!ms. (ook Text !ge 4>>>
P130 Q3P TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:P7:57 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very ¼ell, don't You? ←ould You like to st!rt working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? -ur tra$j mark SOMAK leads the w!z to " A H OE PARTi Fhtesn T Reli!bility Rjs0onsibility Mobility Activeness ComPetence 5j t!ke 0!rt in v!rious external EFF÷ T !nd know-how. +j $eal with investment !nd inno- Tation rogr!m3. look *ext 0!ge *>>>
P130 Q5P TETEIVF U!R 21 jo¼ P1:44:48 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very ¼ell, donWt You? ←ould You like to st!rt ¼orking with "MASHINOEhPORT"? -ur tra$j m!rk UOMAK leads the w!y Activjntss Reli!bility Res0onsibility Mobility Activkness ComPetonce 5j t!ke 0art in v!rious external F'C÷ T !nd know-how. +j $eal with invjstment and inno- Tation rogr!m3. (ook Teht 0!'e *>>>
P130 Q3P TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:56:58 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very ¼ell, donWt You? ←ould You like to st!rt ¼orking with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? -ur tra$e m!rk SOMAK leads the w!y Activjness Reli!bility Res0onsibility Mobility Activeness ComPetence +j t!ke 0!rt in v!rious external FF'÷ T !nd know-how. 5j $eal with investment and inno- vation rogr!m3. (ook Teht 0!ge *>>>
P130 Q3P TFLEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:51:42 You worWed with us and know "-ASHIVOEhPORT" very well, don't You? ←ould You liWe to ut!rt ¼orking with "MASHJVOEhPORT"? Our trade m!rk SOMAK toads the ¼ay BomP!ny Moscow, Russia Reli!"ility Rjs0onsi"ility Mobility Activkness ComPetwnce -e t!ke 0 rt in v!rious external 'EE÷ T !nd know-how. ←j $eal with investoent !nd inno- Tation rogr!mk. (ook Teht 0!ke *>>>
P130 Q50 TETEINF U!a 21 Vov P2:24:27 You jorked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very well, donWt You? ←ould You like to st!rt working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? -ur tra$j m!rk SOMAK lea$s the w!z to " ASHIVOEhPORT" Ehternal Tr ding Com0!ny Moscow, Russia Rjli!bility Res0onsibility Mobility Activeness ComPetence ←j t!ke 0!rt in various external ec÷ Tmi erat on ith od, rv @nd know-how. Uj $eal with invjstment !nd inno- Tation rograms. (ook Teht 0!ke *>>>
P130 13P TETEINF U!b R1 Vov P1:58:55 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very well, don't You? ←ould You like to st!rt working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? -ur tra$e mark SOMAK leads the w!y ARTi Fntss Rjliability Res0onsibility Mobility Activjness ComPetence 5j t!ke 0!rt in v!rious external FF÷ T !nd know-how. 5j $eal with investment and inno- Tation rogr!m3. (ook Teht 0!'e *>>>
P130 Q30 TFTEINF U!b 21 Vo■ P2:54:15 You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very well, $on't You? ←ould You like to st!rt working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? Our tra$j mark SOMAK teads the w!z ActivFness Rjli!"ility Rjs0onsibitity Mobility ComPetonce 5j t!ke 0!rt in v!rious extern t FEE÷ T @nd know-how. ←j $eal with investment and inno- Tation rogr!ms6 look 6eht 0!ke *>>>
P130 Q3P TETEIVF U!a 2 P1:58:1Z You worked with us and know "MASHIVOEhPORT" very well, $on't You? +ould You like to start working with "MASHIVOEhPORT"? Our tra$e m!rk SOMAK leads the ¼az Com0!ny Moscow, Russia Rjli!"ility Res0onsibility Mobility Activkness ComPetgnce ←j t!ke 0!rt in v!rious external '''÷ T !nd know-how. ←j $eal with invjstment !nd inno- Tation rogr!m3. (ook *eht 0!ke *>>>
P130 Q3P TETEIVF U!b 21 Vov P2:22:22 You worked with us and know "MASHINOEhPORT" very well, donWt You? +ould You like to start working with "MASHIVOEXPORT"? Our tra$e mark SOMAK teads the ¼!z to " ASHIVOEhP/RT" Ehtern Tr $ g ComPany Moscow, Russia Rjliability Res0onsibility Mobility Activkness ComPetence +j t!ke 0art in v!rious external EEE÷ T !nd know-how. -j $eal with invjstment !nd inno- Tation rogr!m3. look Text 0!ke *>>>
P130 130 jFLEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:14:52 You worked with us !md know "MAUHIVOEhPORT" very well, $onWt You? Would You like to st!rt ¼orking ¼ith "MASHI OEhPORT"? -ur tradj mark UOMAK teads the w!y ActivFness Relia"ility Responsibility Mobility Com0etence 5j t!ke p!ut in various extern l FE÷ T , s @nd know-(ow. ←j $eal ¼ith investment !nd inno- Tation rogr!m3. (ook 6ehj 0!'e *>>>
P130 15PFjETEIVF U!a ) CP You ¼orked with us and know "MASHIVOEXPORT" very ¼ell, $onWt iou? ←ould You like to start working with "MASHJVOEhPORT"? Our tra$e m!rk UOMAK twads the ¼ay Actiwoness Relia"ility Res0onsibility Mobility CwmPetgnce +j t!ke 0!rt in variou; externat CCE÷ T @nd know-how. Wj deal with investment and innoo :ation rogr!m3. (ooW Teht P!ke *>>*