P141 141 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:54:55 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 8,1992 in the city of luzdal (uzadimir region) i irrm!gint industrial-commercial jair "The Golden Eate of Russi!" was o0ened. +e offer a wide range of koods 0roduced by local in$ustries, including enter0rises of milit!ry complex. The F!ir is held in the Main Tourist administration. Chairman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region administration. ÷ T Uuzdal: (092 31) 205m46 Zladimir:(092 22) 250-61
P141 141 TELEINF U!b R1 Vow P1:51z24 Dwar Uirs! From Vovjm"er 6 to 84Q9u2 in the cityComplex of Suzdal "z the Zladimir Rjgion in$ustrial-commercial jajr "The Eoldjn Eato of Rkssia" was o0ened6 ←e offer a wide r!nge of koodR 0ro$uceR "z loc l inRu;trie;4 inajuRin7 entor0rises of milit!ry complexn The Fair is (eld in the M!in Towrist administration. Eh!irman of the -rgani- zing Cwmmittee Mr. $eonid S(ergin,DePutyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. FFF÷ T U■zdat¼ (0Z2 51) 2P6m4: Zladi¾iw¼hP¾2 R2) RuPm61
P141 141 TELEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:54:55 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 8,Q992 in the "ity in$ustrial-commercial j!ir "T(e Eolden Eato of Russi!" was o0ened. +j offer a wide r!nge of koods 0roduced "y local in$ustries, including entor0rises of milit!ry complex. The F!ir is held in the M!in Tourist administration. Chairman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. F'F÷ T Uwzdal¼ (092 51) 2P5m46 Zladioiw¼(092 22) 25P-61
P141 141 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:58:31 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 8,Q992 in the cityComplex of (uzdal br tee oladimir Region in$ustrial-commercial jair "T(e Golden Eate of Russi!" was o0ened6 +e offer a wi$e r!nge of koods 0roduced "z local in$ustries, including entor0rises of milit!ry complex. The F!ir is held in the Main Tourist administration. Chairman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. Leonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region administration. FFF÷ T Uuzdal: (092 51) 2P5m46 Zladimir¼(092 22) 25P-61
P141 141 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:57:58 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 84Q992 in the city of luz al (Vzadimir region) a ir m!gint in$ustrial-commercial j!ir "T(e Eolden Eato of Russi!" was o0ened. +j offer a wide r!nge of koods 0roduced by local in$ustries, including entor0rises of milit!ry complex. The F!ir is held in the M!in Tourist administration. Chairman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. FFF÷ T Uwzdal¼ (092 51) 2P5m46 Zladimir¼(092 22) 250-61
P141 141 TETEINF U!b R1 V■■ P1:21:P4 Dear Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 84Q992 in the city of Suzdal (Vzadimir region) permagent in$ustrial-commercial jair "T(e Eolden Eatw of Russi!" ¼!u o0ened. +j jffer a wide r!mge jf %oodR 0rodkCeR by (oca( in$kstries, including enter0rises of milit!ry complex. The Fair is held in the Main Tourist Complex of Uuz$al by the Zladimir Regionadministration. Chairmam mf t(e rgani- zing Committee Mr. $eonid S(ergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region administration. ''F÷ T @ Uwz$at: (0y2 51) 2P5m46 Zladioi¼¼(092 22) 260-61
P141 141 TFTEINF U!b 21 Vo■ P1:54:52 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 84Q992 in the "ity of Uuz af (uzaai ir reg on) a 0r m!ginn in$ustrial-commercial j!ir "T(e Eolden Eate of Russi!" was o0ened. +j offer a ¼ide r!nge of koods 0ro$uced "z loc l in$ustries, inclu$ing entor0rises of milit!ry complex. The F!ir is held in the M!in Tourist administration. Ch!irman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. FF'÷ T Uwzdal¼ (092 51) 2P5m46 Zladioir¼(092 22) 250-61
P141 141 TJLEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:04:12 De!r Sirs! From Jovem"jr 6 to 84Q992 in the "ity jm Uuz af (uzaai ir reg ■na a ie Rjginn industrial-commercial jair "T(e Eolden Eato of Russi!" ¼as o0jned. +j offer a ¼ide ramge jf koodR 0roduced by local in$ustries4 including entor0risjs of milit!ry complex. Thj F!ir is held in the M!in Tourist a$ministration. Chairm!n of t(e rgami- zing Committee Mr. $eonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Zladimir Region a$ministration6 '''÷ T Uwzdal¼ (P¼2 51) 2P5m46 Zladimir¼(092 22) 25Pm61
P141 141 TELEINF U!b 21 Vow 02:12:42 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 841992 in the "ity in$ustrial-commercial jair "The Eolden Eato of Rwssi!" was o0jnedn +e offer a wide r!nge of koods 0roduced by local in$ustries, including entor0risjs of milit!ry complexn The F!iw is held in the M!in Towrist a$ministration. Ch!irman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid U(ergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. F'÷ T Uwzdal¼ (092 51) 205m46 Zladioiw¼(P¼2 22) 250¾61
P141 141 TFLEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:33:12 Df!r Uirs! From Vovem"jr 6 to 8,1992 in the "ityComplex of (uzdal bz the Vladimir Region in$ustrial-commercial j!ir "T(e Eolden Eatw of Russi!" ¼as o0ened6 ←e offer a wide r!nge of koodR produced by local in$ustries, including entor0rises of milit!ry complexn Thj F!iw is held in the M!in Towrist administration. Chairman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. Teonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region administration. F ÷ T ph Uwzdal¼ (Py2 31) 2P6m46 Zladioiw¼i0¼2 22) 250¾61
P141 141 jFTEInF U!a R1 j■■ P1:P2:57 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 84Q992 in the "ity in$ustrial-commercial jair "T(e Eolden Eate of Russia" ¼as o0jned. ←e offer a wide r!nge of koodR 0roduced "y local in$ustries4 including enter0rises of milit!ry complex. T(e F!ir is held in the M!in Tourist Complex of Suzdal "z the Zladimir Regionadministration. Chairman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid S(ergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. FFF÷ T Uwzdal¼ (0¼2 51) 2P5m46 Zladioiw¼(092 22) 25P-61
P141 141 zJTE)NF U!R )1 Vo■ P2¾48¾57 De!r Sirs! From Jovem"er 6 to 84Q992 in the city jm Suz af (uzaai bz rhg Vn) a 0j R!genn in$ustrial-commercial jajr "T(e Eolden Eate of Russi!" ¼ak o0ened. +e oVfer a wi$j r!mge Uf koods @joduced by local in$uktries4 hncjuding entor0risjs of milit!ry complex. @@ Thj F!ir is held in thj Main Tourist administration. Chairman of thj -rganim zing Committee Mr. Teonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region administration. F ÷ T @h Uwzdal¼ (0y2 31) 2P5m4j Zladimir¼(P92 22) R50→61
P141 141 jFTE)nF U!a )1 j■¼ P1¾44:41 Dear Sirs! Erom Vovjm"er T to ,4Q952 in t(u buty in$ustrial-commercial j!ir "The Eolden Eatw wf Russi!" was o0ened. uj Ufffr a ¼i$e range kf %oodR 0rodu"ed by local industries, including entwr0rises of milit!ry complex. Thm F!iw is held in thj Main Tourist Cwmplex mf Suzd l by thu Vl dimiz Qegionadministration6 Chairman of the /rg!mi- zing Cwmmittee -r. Teonid R(ergin,Du0utyHead mf Vladimir Region a$ministration6 C''÷ T Uwzdal: (P92 31) 2P5m46 Zla$imiw¼hPy2 22) R5P→61
P141 141 TETEINF U!b R1 Vov P1:P8:57 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"er 6 to 8,Q992 in the city of luz al (uzaaimir region) a irrm!gint industrial-commercial jair "T(e Eolden Eate of Russi!" was o0ened. +j offer a wide range of koods 0roduced "z local in$ustries, including enter0rises of milit!ry complex. The F!ir is held in the Main Tourist administration. Chairman of the Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. FFF÷ T Uuzdal¼ (092 51) 2P5m46 Zladimir¼(092 22) 250-61
P141 141 TETFINF Uab R1 Vow P1:53:57 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"jr 6 to 84Q992 in the "ity in$ustrial-commercial jair "The Eolden Eato of Russi!" w!s o0ened6 ←e jffer a wide range of koodR 0roduced by local in$ustries, including enter0risjs of milit!ry comptex? Thj F!ir is held in the M!in Towrist a$ministration6 Chairman of the Orgami- ¼ing Committee Mr. Teonid U(ergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region administr tion6 FFF÷ T Uwzdal¼ (092 31) 2P5m46 Zladi■iw¼(092 22) R50-61
P141 141 TE$EIVF U!a R1 Vov P1:54:54 De!r Uirs! From Vovem"jr 6 to 84Q992 in the cityComplex of Uuzdal by the Zladimir Region in$ustrial-commercial jair "The Eolden Eato of Russi!" ¼as o0ened6 +e offer a wide range of koods 0roduced by local in$ustries4 including enter0rises of milit!ry complex. The F!ir is held in the M!in Tourist administration. Chairman of t(e Organi- zing Committee Mr. $eonid Shergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region a$ministration. 'F'÷ T Uwzdal¼ (092 51) 205m46 Zladioir¼(092 22) 250-61
P141 u¼5577R- $¾55766 E!r!mtiruem u&sokie $i‖lektri÷e3kie h!rakteristiki 0ri dlitelxnom sohr!- nenii termopl!sti÷nosti. (lektri÷eska! ro÷nostx $o 80 kW/m. J"es0e÷en&: - r!"otos0oso"nostx w l@"%h klimati- ÷eskih uslowi0h; ''F÷ T r!Rtwor!m RoleU; - dlitelxnaP r!"otos0oso"nostx ri twmPerature 20P krad.S. >>>> 146
П141 Нйщ > ТТЧ ,$? д Ч>$*= Д* ириллице. та стр ница од ржит текст а русском Языке л роверки ЦФФч Т мириллице.
П141 Нй■ > ЖЩ?Л*$? $ .>$-= Д мириллице. Тта страница содержит текст Та русском Языке для 0роверки ч Т ж мириллице.
П141 НУщ > ТТ: ,Л? $ Ч>Л-у Д* мириллице.  Эта утраница уодержит текст *а русском Языке для роверки йоТможности йрмдачи страми Та мириллице.
П141 НУщ.> ТЩч ,Л? д Ч>Л*у Д* '''ч Т итх иницст оок йе т 0! е *