P152 Q52 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:54:55 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON VARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz at 200 Centigr $j.FFF÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 Q52 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:57:52 DANKOV CHFMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON ZARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in long-term consjrvation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz t 20P Centigr $j.F'F÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 Q52 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:55:56 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON ZARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz t 20P Centigr $j.FFF÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 152 TELEINF Sab 21 Vov 02:31:11 DANKOV CHEMICAL PLANT offers: SILJCON VARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric par!meters in long-term bonservation jf termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -stability to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiency t 200 Centigra$e.CEE÷ T  VNIQVE PRICEk !
P152  TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:57:28 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON VARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in tong-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz at 2PP Centigr $e.FFF÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152  TETEINF U!a 21 jov P2:57:54 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON VARNISHES INS#LATJNGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz t 20P Centigr $e.FFF÷ T VNIQ#E PRICES !
P152 Q52 TFJEJNF Uab 21 Vov P2:s4:57 @O @ L■■T o s: SILICON ■ARNISH S INS■LATINGS @ @ @ gh# (m 5, 2 ←C 
P152  TETE)NF Uaa )1 j■w P):42:14 DANKOV CHFMICAJ PLANT offers: SITECON ZARNISHFS I S#.AuI■GS -high $ielectric 0!r!meters in tong-term "onservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiencz in anz climato; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiency at 200 Centigra$j.EFF÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 Q62 TFLEINF U!b 21 Vow 02:28:42 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON VARNISHES INSULATINGS -high $ielectric 0!r!meters in tongmterm conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils4 ualt uolution; -longmterm efficiency at 200 Centigra$e.F'F÷ T VNIQ E PRICES ! @
P152 Q52 TELFINF U!b 21 Vow P1:52:18 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■    ■■■■■■■■■■■■■      ■■             ? Ph÷ (0:5) RQ7-¾?784 RQ7-y8Q5 FAX:(0:5) 2Q7-954V (for Teleinf) Ivdfx o■ 0!g 1P1
P152 Q52 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:52:54 DANKOV CHFMICAL PLANT offers: SILICON VARNISHES INS■LATJNGS -high dielectric 0 r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt solution; -long-term efficiencz t 20P Centigr $e.CFE÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 Q52 TJLEJNF U!b 21 Vo■ P2:P4:32 DAN#OV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SITICON ZARNISHFS IMS#LATINGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in tong-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils4 ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz at 200 Centigra$j.'''÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152  TE$EINF U!b R1 jov P2:54:27 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON VARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0 r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, salt solution; -long-term efficiencz t 200 Centigr $j.EFF÷ T VNIQUE PRICES !
P152 FTTEIGF Ua£ Q1 V■v P2:48:); ■■■■O■ J■■* f r : -Tigh dielectric 0ar!meter; in tong5term con rvation of termoel! ticity; ici n n n imat -st@b@lity to miner l oi , a t solution; -longhterm effiQien?y t 2P0 Centigra e.@@@÷ T I ICES !
P152 Q52 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:53:31 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON ZARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz t 20P Centigr $e.FFF÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 Q52 TFTEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:48:11 DANKOV CHFMICAJ PLANT offers: SILICON ZARNISHES INS#LATINGS -high dielectric 0!r!meters in tong-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!"ility to mineral oils4 salt uolution; -long-term efficiencz at 2PP Centigra$j.FFF÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 Q52 TETEIVF U!a R1 Vov P2:5::P4 DANKOV CHFMICAL PLANT offers: -high dielectric 0!r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; -long-term efficiencz t 20P Centigr $e.''F÷ T VNIQZE PRICES !
P152 Q52FTE$E%nF U!a )  P2:5  $ANKOV CHEUICA PLANT offer : ■ILICON ■A NIS ES I.SULATINGS -high dielectric r!meters in ■ong-term con@jrvation f termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any imate; -st!bility to miner l oils, a t uolution; F ÷ T # P JC S !
P152 Qu2 TETFINF Uab 21 Vow P2:42:1P DAoKOV CHEMICAJ PTAWT -long term efficienay at 200 Centigradj SILICON VARNISHFS INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0!rameters in long-term "onservation of termoelasticity; -effiGigncy in any climate; -stability to mineral oils, ualt uolution; CFC÷ T VNIQUE P+ICES !
P152 Q52 TETEINF U!b R1 jov P2:P1:57 DANKOV CHEMICAJ PLA■T offers: SILICON VARNISHES INSULATINGS -high dielectric 0 r!meters in long-term conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climate; -stability to mineral oils, ualt solution; -long-term efficiencz t 200 Centigr $j.'F'÷ T VNIQZE PRJCES !
P152 162 TFLEINF U!b 21 Vow P1:42:18 $ANKOV CHFMICAL PLANT : offers: conservation of termoel!sticity; -efficiency in any climato; -st!bility to mineral oils, ualt uolution; mlongmterm efficiency at 2P0 Centigr $k.'''÷ T VNIQZE PSICES !
P152 Q52 TEJF*NF i!a )  P  ← DAMKOV CHEMICAJ PJAMT ovfers: UITICON VARNISHES INSUL@TINGS -high dielectric parameters in long-term conservation of termoel!Rticity; -efficiency in anz climate; -stCbility to mineral oils, Ralt uolution; -long-term efficiencz t 200 Centigra$e.FF'÷ T U#IQVO PRJCES !