P181 14 TE$EIVF U!b 2 V P2:11:17 De!r Sirs! From Vovem"jr 6 to 84Q992 in the city industrial-commercial jair "The Golden Eate of Russia" was o0ene$. 5e offer a widj range of koods roduced "y local industries, incjuding enter0rises of milit!ry complex. The Fair is held in the Main Towrist Complex of Uuzdal bz the Vla$imir Regionadministration. Chajrma* of the /rgani- zing Committee Mr. Teonid S(ergin,De0utyHead of Vladimir Region administration. CKE÷ T Suzdal: (0:2 31) 205-46 Ztadimir:(092 22) 25P-61