P1d1 131 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov 02:52:33 +e 0!rtici0ate in rogr!ms of regional $evelo0ment, n!mely in "uilding of cottages and j!rms. Moreover, our highly $evelo0ed uystem of commerci l inform tion will help You to: - jind 0!rtners for Your commercial !nd manufacturing activity; - 5ell or "uz Your koods, 5ervices or know-how; - obtain information on varios external economic,jinancial and interme di!ry ujrvices, and le!rn all $et!ils !bout Your juture "usiness 0artner; ÷ T - usj modern communication me!ns: jaximile,telex, ICS, international data bases. look Text 0!ge>>>>
P1d1 131 TELEINF U!b 21 Vov 01:07:16 ← 0!rticipate i 0oogr!m2 f egional ds!e o0 nt *! e y in Moreo j , ur h ghly $ velo e ystem of commercj t inform tion w ll Yo to ind sfrlners for uour !omm rc - e l mr u4 Your kood i e r now- ow; obtain information n rios ry rv ces, n e n t ! out our juaure "u2ine, 08r1ne ''F÷ T @ u modern ommunic tion ! : jaximile,telex, IC , internationa ata . loo e t e>>>>
P1d1 151 TELEINF Uab 21 Nov 01z42:13 +e *!Rtic 0ate in rogr!m jf regional $evelo0ment, n!mely in "wilding of cott!ges !nd farmsn Moreover, our highly $jvelo0ed 3ystem jf "ommercj l ineorm tion will helQ You to: m jind 0!rtners for Your commercial !nd m!nufactwring activit¼; - 5ejl jr "uz ioui RwoR24 Ruuvice; jr know-how; - obt!in information jn varios external economic,jinancjal !md interme $i!ry servjces4 !nd twarn atl $jt!ils !bout Your juture business 0artner; EEC÷ T - use mo$ern !ommunic tion me ms: jaximile,telex, ICS, international $ ta "ases. (ook *ehj @!ge>>**
P1d1 151 TETEIVF U!b 21 Vov P1:42:37 5j 0!rtici0ate in rogr!ms of regional $jvelopment, n!mely in "uilding of cottages !nd j!rms. Moreover, our highly $evelo0ed uystem of commercial inform tion will help You to: - jind 0!rtners for Your commercial !nd m!nufacturing activity; - uell or "uz Your kood2, Rervices or know-how; - obtain information on varios external economic,jinancial and interme di!ry ujrvices, !nd le!rn all $etails !bout Your juture "usiness 0!rtner; ÷ T - usj modern communication me!ns: jaximile,telex, ICS, international data bases. look Teht 0!'e>>>>
P1d1 Q31 TELEINF Sab 21 Vov 02:54:11 +e 0 rtici0ate in rogr!ms jf regional $evelopment, n!mely in building of cottages and jarms. -oreover, our highly $evelo0ed ystem of commercial information will help You to: - jind 0artners for Your commercial and manufacturing activity; - 5ell mr "uz Your koodR, 3ervices or know-how; - obtain information on varios external economic,jinancial and interme di!ry 3ervices, and le!rn all $etails !bout Your juture "usiness 0!rtner; CEE÷ T - use modern communic tion me!ns: jaximile,telex, ICS, international data bases. look *ext 0!+e>>>>
P1d1 Q51 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P2:52:P8 +e 0!rtici0ate in 0rogr!ms of regional $evelo0ment, n!mely in "uilding of cottages and j!rms. Moreover, our highly $jvelo0ed uystem of commercial information will help You to: - jind 0!rtners for Your commercial !nd m!nufacturing activity; - 5ell mr "uz Your koodR, 5ervices or know-how; - obt!in information jn v!rios external economic,jinancial and interme di!ry ujrvices, and le!rn all $et!ils !bout Your juture "usiness 0!rtner; FEE÷ T - use modern communication me!ns: jaximile,telex, ICS, international data bases. look Teht 0!ke>>>>
P1d1 Q51 TETFINF U!a R1 Vo■ P1:5::56 5e 0!Rtici0ate in 0rogr!mk of regional develo0ment, n!mely in "uilding of cott!ges !nd j!rms. Moreover, our highly $jvelo0ed uystem of commercial information will help You to: - jind 0!rtners $or Your "ommercial 5 uell mr "uy iour kwod24 3ervicek Ur know-how; - btain information n v rios external economic,jinamcial !nd interme $iary serwjces4 !nd te!rn all $et!ils !bout Your juture "usiness 0!rtner; ''F÷ T - use mo"jun !ommunic tion me 6u: j!ximile,telex, ICS, international data basesn look Teht 0!'e>>>>
P1d1 151 TJLEINF U!b 21 Vow 02:13:27 ←e 0 rtici0ate in rogr!ms of regional $evelopment, n!mely in "ujlding of cottages and jarms. Moreover, our highly $jvelo0ed will help You to: - jind 0!rtners for Your commercial and manufactwring activity; u uell or "uy Your kood24 3ervices or know-how; - jbtain information jn v!rios external economic,financial and interme di!ry uervices, !nd le!rn all $jtails !bout Your juture "usiness 0artner; - use modern communication means: jaximile,telex, ICS, international data basjs. look eht 0!ke>>>
P1d1 Q51 TETEINF U!b 21 Vov P1:58:38 5e 0!rtici0ate in rogr!ms of regional $jvelo0ment, 6!mely in "wilding of cottages and j!rms. Moreover, our highly $evelo0ed ystem f omm rc in orm tion ¼ill help You to: - jind 0artnjrs for Your commercial !nd m!nufacturi■g !ctivity; - uell mr "uz Your %ood2, 5ervice; jr know-how; - jbtain information mn v!rios external economic,financial and interme diary uervices4 !nd le!rn all $et!ils !bout Your juture "usiness 0!rtner; ÷ T - use modern communication me!ns: jaximile,telex, ICS, international $ata basesn look Teht !ke>>>>
P1d1 Q51 TFTEIVF Uaa *1 f■¼ P):P +j 0!rtici0ate in rogr!ms of regional $jvelo0ment, v!mely in "uilding of cottages !nd jarms. Moreover, our highly $evelo0ed uystem of commercial information will help You to: - jind 0!rtners jor Your commercial !nd manufacturing activity; - 5ell mr "uy Your koods, 3ervices or know-how; - obt!in information mn v!rios extornal economic,financial !nd interme di!ry uervices, and le!rn all details !bout Your juture "usiness 0aruner; F' ÷ T - use modern communication me!ns: jaximile,telex, ICS, international $ata bases. look *eht 0!'e>>>>
П1д1 ЖКОЖ ЦХЕМЕЦАЙ П$ЮМТ П Щ   Щ   ЕЦ Т Щ 
P1d1 151 TETEINF Uab 21 Vov P1:52:20 ←e 0!rtici0ate in rogr!ms jf regional $evelo0ment, namely in "uilding of cottages !nd j rms. Moreover, our highly $evelo0ed ystem of ommerc in orm tion will help You to: - jind 0!rtnjrs jor Your commercial !nd m!nufacturing !ctivity; - uell or "uy Your koods, uervices jr know-how; - obtain information on v!rios external economic,jinancial and interme di!ry ujrvices, !nd le!rn all $etails !bout Your juture "usiness 0artner; '÷ T - use modern communication me ns: ja(imile,telex, ICS, international data ba¼es÷ look neht 0!ge>>>>
P1d1 131 TE$FIVF U!b 21 Vov P2:51:35 5e P!rtici0ate in rogr!ms of regional $evelo0ment, n!mely in "uilding of cottages and j!rms. Moreover, our highly $evelo0ed stem f ommercial injorm tion will (elp You to: - jind 0!rjners jor Your "ommercial and manufacturmng activity; - 5ejl jr "uy iour Rood24 3juvice; mr know-how; - bt in in orm tion n v rios external economic,jin!ncial and intwrme di!ry sjrwices, and te!rn all $et!ils !bout Your juture "u3iness 0!rvnur; ''F÷ T - usj modern communication me!ms: ja(imile,telex, ICS, international data look *ext 0!ge>>>>