P1fd P M@RSTPPP@R Pho■j: (074 65) 209-09 FAX: (074 65; 22:-s4 FEF÷ T Tipetsk region, 59982P, RZSSIAn For more $et!il look 0!ges QQ
P1fd 11s TETF)nF i!Q )) j■¼ P :1 :1u $or television viewers with imPaired hearing, as ¼gll !s to !ccom0!ny @rog>!mmes =ith RJRtiu→e in T l!nguages of thj 6ationatities of CIk. T(j Joint Rtock "om0!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !bove mentioned skrvjces (with the instatlation mf receiving $evices !nd twchnical u!mntgn!mce For russi!m "tients p!zment is to "j jffected in roubtes6 CCC÷ T (ook *eht 0!'e>>*