P1ff P QM@R←TPP PV@← Pho■e¼ (P74 65) 2P9-0: FAX: (P74 65) 229-34 FFF÷ T Li0etsk region, 59982P, RUSSIA? For more $et!il look 0!ges 15Q-153
П1фф П1Я14 МЮРС4 Телвтъ0й:1П1)04 -Ю)Ш Пхоне: (074 65) 209-09 ФАх: (П74 6в) 22:-34 АЕЕ ЕСС: 14, Зайтсеж утрЧ, Данкож Ти0етск регион, 39982П, РЖССИА? Фор море $етаил (оок Югес 5Я-153
P1ff 010 @R←TP P P M@RU Phoojv h074 65) 209-09 FAh: (074 65; 229-w4 ECC÷ T I    Ti0etsk region4 59982P, RZSSIAn Dor more $et!il (ook !ges Q
P1ff P1Q14 MARS, TeletyPe:1P1)P4 M@R+ Pho■j: (074 65) 209-09 FAX: (P74 6w) 229?w4 FFF÷ T Li0etsk region, 59982P, RUSSIA? For more $et!il look 0!ges QQ
P1ff 1Rs TETE)NF U!R 21 Vo■ P2:5 :¼u for telev>sion vi‖wers ¼ith i →J (earing, !s ¼gll !s to accom0any 0jogr!mmes with 3ubtitles in tXe l!nombges of hhj nationalities jf EISn @ The Joint ktock comP!my "Tkleinf" jffers the !"ove mjntioned servUces (with the installation of recjiving $fvjces !nd technicat majntgnance)- For ruskian Elients 0!ument is to "j effectcd in rou£le;. EJ'÷ T took *eht p!+e>>>
P1ff 1Rs TFTEImF U!a R  P2:58:44 $or television viewers ¼ith imP!ired i g ¼ ll ! t cco 0! 0 ogr!mme i h bti langt ges of khe Qatio alities of CI T(e Joint stock omPany "Teleinf" ffers the !"ove menti ned 5ervic s ( i a n $j ces and t chnica int nanc ) o s i t m nt is o t '+E÷ T  >>
P1ff )RuFjFTE)NF U!R 5) j■w P): 15) or television viewers with im !ired he!ring4 as ¼ ll !s to !ccom0amy 0rogr!mmes ¼ith 5ubtitles in t( l!nguaTes jf the Qationalities of CIS. T(e Joint tock "omP!ny "Teleinf" jffers the !"ove mentioned njrvices (with the installation of receiving $ ÷ic s nd t chnica t c ) Jor rwvsi n clients P yment is to "e effectod in rowbles6 ' ÷ T ook e t ! >>