P413 413 TE JINF STORY 19:41:46 ON "DO'S@BND DONT'S$ IN G$JE JNGS @ AND IN ADDRESSING PI P J @ '(j. you co-j to @t(j USA for t(f fitsl time it is Njcjssbry to know most of the do's and don'ts. Here wj are going to s0jak aboul t(j forms of greetings.a $0j very@ forZbl "How do you do?" is not a qujslionL t(bt is w(y it doesn't Njed any@ ot(jr answir than "How do you do?" a $his form of greeting is used when you arj introduced to so-jo.j ot if you meet someone for t0j first @time. If you oftin 5jet someo.j you us5blly rbyL "How@bre!zo5^" to such a grjeting must be shott, for example: "Very wellL t(b.V youLand how are you?" Bul t(al is not all. You canL of courseL sby bGood mot.jNf$ w(jn you@jntir and leave, fot exampliL @ @ see Njxt@0"fj >>>